Tropical Day Blooming Waterlilies
Nymphaea Southern Charm
Nymphaea 'Southern Charm' won 2nd place in the peoples choice award in
2007 at the IWGS new waterlily competition.
The name Nymphaea 'Southern Charm' was inspired by our southern
heritage and such a charming plant. N. 'Southern Charm' is unique because of it's unusual flower
color. The blue fused with yellow created a color that is not
represented in waterlilies. The beautifully mottled pads and the vigor
this plant shows makes it a truly unique lily. Suitable for all but the smallest ponds it is a show stopper.
Hybridized by John Wood in 1989* this plant has outstanding large, sky blue flowers, some approaching 10-12" with dark purple stamens. Round, sharply serrated olive green leaves that resemble leaves of night blooming lilies. It is a prolific bloomer. Suitable for medium to large ponds. *Originally this lily was exhibited at the 1987 International Waterlily & Water Gardening Society under the name "Blue Ampla" where it received the Best New Waterlily award.
Nymphaea ‘Blue Anemone’ is a tropical lily created by LeeAnn
Connelly. Blue Anemone was created by crossing Nymphaea colorata x N. "Midnight" It is a double bright blue. It was the first multi petalled
flower since George Pring’s Nymphaea "Midnight". It’s date of
publication is 1998. Here in S.FL it over winters well. If left
unfertilized or pot bound during the fall it will likely go dormant
producing multiple small tubers in the soil. These tubers are easily
separated in the late Winter or early Spring, planted in their own
container to produce new sprouts. Suitable for medium to large ponds it
will grow to 6'-8' in total spread if planted in a large enough (5-7
gal.) container. The oval shaped leaves leaves will grow to 18" long.
Nymphaea capensis
Blue Capensis or Cape water lily
This tropical hails from the Cape of Good Hope, South Africa. Our variety is a mix of very free flowering Capensis that were originally obtained from Albert Greenberg's nursery near Tampa FL. Flowers are held 8-10" above the waters surface. A good cut flower that will hold for a day or so. Exceptionally fragrant. In the deep south this plant can bloom through Thanksgiving!
Nymphaea colorata
Another South African native the "Colorata" is a true dwarf tropical that is extremely free-flowering. Attaining a maximum size of 2-3' it is especially suited for smaller ponds and tub gardens. Well suited to cooler climates as it will flower when water temps. fall to 65*f or below. Makes copious amounts of tubers under the right conditions. Hybrids from N. colorata include N. "Dir, George T. Moore" and N. "Midnight." and... Blue Anemone a cross between N. colorata and N. Midnight! Wow that's some good parentage.
Nymphaea Laura Frase
This favorite of mine was created in 1960 by Bill Frase of Orlando FL. and named after his daughter. A cross between N. Blue Beauty and N. Panama Pacific it retains the nice compact growth habit of Panama Pacific. Electric blue cup shaped flowers are held 6-10" above the waters surface.
Nymphaea Tina
Out for the Season
Pretty, simple, deep violet-purple blooms free flowering with a very nice
fragrance. Flower shape is cup-like. Light
green leaves, new leaves show a bronzy coloration. Viviparous. Considered a small variety it is adaptable to any size pool. Does well in partial sun. A viviporous plant that produces new plantlets from the leaf axil. Van Ness Water Gardens 1974
Nymphaea Director George T. Moore
Hybridized in 1941 by George H. Pring of The Missouri Botanical Garden. Very large star shaped deep violet blooms held 8-12" above the surface. Leaf size: 10-12" with a plant spread of 5-8'. Flowers 7-10" diameter. Highly recommended for any size pond.
Nymphaea Miami Rose
Out For the Season. Miami Rose is unique in every characteristic. A Florida Aquatic Nursery cross between N. Ruby and N. Renegade released in 1999. It's flower is a full
star with more than 50 petals when mature. It's foliage is heavily mottled and it is a strong grower and prolific bloomer. This waterlily is truly
one of my all time favorites.
Nymphaea Pink Capensis
Nymphaea Caliente
Nymphaea Avalanche
Sold Out for the Season
Tropical Night Blooming Waterlilies
Hardy Waterlilies
*Note Hardy lilies may not be available for immediate pickup as they are not always potted and "ready" for sale.
Please call ahead for availability.
Nymphaea Pink Hardy
White Hardy Lilies
Yellow Hardy Lilies
Bog, Floating and Oxygenating Plants
Water Sensitive Plant
Red Rotala
Ludwigia sediodes - Mosaic Plant
All Information is created by me. ©Pat Faehnle
Pat Faehnle
Aquatic Systems and Resources, Inc.
PO Box 1462
Palm City, FL 34991
Slocum & Robinson, 1996, "Water Gardening; Water Lilies and Lotuses", Web address -
Florida Aquatic Nursery
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